Sales Centric CRM Selling just got better for everybody . . . What's with the gears? Sales Methods tuned for technology. What's with the gears? Get ASPEC anyway you want it. We've got all bases covered. What's with the gears?

Why Sales Centric?

Whether you have a CRM system already, or are looking at your options, we have the sales-centric choice for you.

  • You’ve got CRM – but it doesn’t do much for the pressing needs of your sales force. We can help with dedicated sales automation products that work with your CRM, or right alongside it.
  • You need CRM – and you’re not sure which one is best for your organization. If selling more is one of your goals, then your search is over.


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If your CRM is not working for sales, the chances are that it won’t work at all. Salespeople know what they want. They are looking for solutions that will help them sell.


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The only way to implement a consistent, reliable, and productive sales method is to bake it into your  CRM. It has to be “in your face” every day. Refreshment and Reinforcement – back it up with ASPEC sales training.


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Make CRM work for you and become truly sales centric. You need a sales process engine that works – one that’s designed for the 21st Century. Only ASPEC does that.


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Work from the same page – everyone knows what everyone else is doing – this is transparency. There is a respected common  common methodology. Results become improved, accurate, and consistent.



Managing a large variety of sales opportunities in a pipeline is difficult to do. Are you working the right deal? Are you using appropriate skills and tactics? How much time did you spend researching and planning, and not selling? That’s where ASPEC productivity work flow comes in. Using proven principles of getting things done, ASPEC guarantees that the salesperson works on the right sales opportunity at the right time. ASPEC will save you 20 or 30% of your workday. It’s like getting two free hours every day.


ASPEC is the Getting Things Done of sales. Put all opportunities into ASPEC as you find them. ASPEC creates the sales specific cycle and sets the three fundamental skill phases.


ASPEC values each opportunity by calculating the probability of winning. A unique and simple algorithm based on success of a win and the risks involved in the sales not going to completion. Accurate, consistent, and minimal user input.


Using the probability of winning and the the time left to complete the sale, ASPEC automatically prioritizes every opportunity in your pipeline and keeps it up-to-date in real time.


Now you can confidently “work” the ASPEC prioritized list, knowing that you are not wasting time on bad deals, or working sure bets too early.


ASPEC Expert Analysis checks the salesperson’s understanding and activity based on the specific environment for every opportunity and offers coaching and guidance on the best strategies to use.

The ASPEC Experience

ASPEC is the first and only sales-centric CRM system. Designed specifically to leverage today’s technology to really help salespeople sell, it’s an environment where they thrive. Salespeople need CRM and they want CRM, but only if it works for them, and not against. ASPEC is crafted from patented sales methods designed for computers to participate in the sales process, not simply document it. Available in a range of apps for mobile, desktop, SFA, CRM, cloud or native.

ASPEC sales methods open new and refreshing topics that challenge salespeople and sales teams to really understand today’s sales methods and practices. And to learn about these, we’ve created The HUB professional sales content website with posts, books, news, books and technical papers by leading sales and business experts from around the world.

And all of this would not be complete without our dedicated sales training for ongoing reinforcement and refreshment of the principles and practices of Opportunity Portfolio Management to master today’s automated selling possibilities.


All the ASPEC products and services have the ASPEC sales technology at their core. They are available for any device and platform, and for any organization from solo to team to groups to enterprise.

  • Have CRM already? We have Sales Opportunity Management app (ASPEC OM) that can easily be integrated into any CRM system.
  • Do you use Salesforce? We have an add-in that puts the ASPEC technology and graphical interface right in your Salesforce instance. And soon, there will be others for popular CRM programs.
  • Need a modern and fully-featured CRM? ASPEC CRM is you answer.
  • On your own? ASPEC is available FREE with no strings or restrictions, both in iOS and web versions.


The patented ASPEC sales methodology is the only sales automation system designed from the ground up to use modern intelligent technology to actively assist the sales team throughout the sales cycle for each and every opportunity in their entire portfolio.

  • ASPEC Expert Analysis. A coaching tool built into ASPEC that completely understands the specific environment of every sales cycle and guides the sales person to maximize wins.
  • The HUB. A professional sales content web site with new articles on every aspect of professional selling by business and sales leaders from around the world.
  • Tools and support so you can use any ASPEC app more effectively.


The sales methods in ASPEC were developed specifically for today’s intelligent devices. But they also stand on their own as new and exciting selling techniques and models that have relevance outside the computer. “ASPEC in practice” is taught through our courses Opportunity Portfolio Management, which can be delivered on-line or in the customer’s facility.

Opportunity Portfolio Management Sales Training. Anyone can benefit from practicing the ASPEC Sales Methodology. Learn more here.